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What is acupressure?
Acupressure also spelt acupressure, is a technique related to acupuncture; the points activated in both cases are the same. In acupressure body energies are manipulated by activating specific points. These points are called “acupressure points”, “acupoints”, “pressure points” and are the same as “acupuncture points”. These points are activated to manipulate human psychic energy, emotion and physical energies.
Acupressure: Pressing and reducing techniques
Acupressure points are manipulated in two ways. The first commonly used technique is pressing as shown in the video. However, not commonly used or known second technique is reducing. Usually something blunt is used to press the points. A convenient way is to simply use fingers to press or activate the points. It would take more pressure and longer to activate the points with the thumb or fingers. So a good option would be to use an eraser on the back of a pencil. Some points can be pressed using fingernails.
Pressing and releasing a point just a few times can have a distinguishable effect. There are two ways in which points may be activated. Pressing the point and releasing about once per second or pressing a point and keeping it pressed for 30 to 120 seconds. How long you press or how many times would depend on the condition and the point being activated. Whether pressing or reducing the maximum you do in a sitting is not more than 2 minutes.
To reduce a point, you need to put pressure and then turn the finger over the point in a counter-clockwise direction. The duration remains the same one to two minutes. The difference between pressing and reducing is that when pressing, the point is energized, however when reducing the blockages and blood stagnation around the point is “reduced”, hence the name reducing. I’ll go in detail about pressing and reducing in one of my upcoming posts.
It is a good idea not to make it a habit of activating the same points every day. Manipulate them as and when required and paying attention to the effect they have on you physically and emotionally. If you are weakened by age or disease activate the points more often. It is a balance you will need to find with an expert.
If you do not feel any effect from activating a point, it could be several things. You are not pressing the exact right spot and around. You may be pressing too lightly. You may be pressing for not as long as required. To know if a point is working or not it is best to feel your energy and emotions through the day. If there is a change for the better, it is working. Many points have an effect on the quality of vision also. If you are overdoing a point or if you don’t need it there will be little effect.
Acupressure points are sometimes also activated for prolonged periods of time using tiny balls like ball-bearing balls and adhesive tape. One may also use little seeds like cherry pits to activate a point, which is sometimes done overnight. Acupressure may be used along with medication or may be started for little nagging problems, if you want to avoid medication.
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Acupressure also spelt acupressure, is a technique related to acupuncture; the points activated in both cases are the same. In acupressure body energies are manipulated by activating specific points. These points are called “acupressure points”, “acupoints”, “pressure points” and are the same as “acupuncture points”. These points are activated to manipulate human psychic energy, emotion and physical energies.
Acupressure: Pressing and reducing techniques
Acupressure points are manipulated in two ways. The first commonly used technique is pressing as shown in the video. However, not commonly used or known second technique is reducing. Usually something blunt is used to press the points. A convenient way is to simply use fingers to press or activate the points. It would take more pressure and longer to activate the points with the thumb or fingers. So a good option would be to use an eraser on the back of a pencil. Some points can be pressed using fingernails.
Pressing and releasing a point just a few times can have a distinguishable effect. There are two ways in which points may be activated. Pressing the point and releasing about once per second or pressing a point and keeping it pressed for 30 to 120 seconds. How long you press or how many times would depend on the condition and the point being activated. Whether pressing or reducing the maximum you do in a sitting is not more than 2 minutes.
To reduce a point, you need to put pressure and then turn the finger over the point in a counter-clockwise direction. The duration remains the same one to two minutes. The difference between pressing and reducing is that when pressing, the point is energized, however when reducing the blockages and blood stagnation around the point is “reduced”, hence the name reducing. I’ll go in detail about pressing and reducing in one of my upcoming posts.
It is a good idea not to make it a habit of activating the same points every day. Manipulate them as and when required and paying attention to the effect they have on you physically and emotionally. If you are weakened by age or disease activate the points more often. It is a balance you will need to find with an expert.
If you do not feel any effect from activating a point, it could be several things. You are not pressing the exact right spot and around. You may be pressing too lightly. You may be pressing for not as long as required. To know if a point is working or not it is best to feel your energy and emotions through the day. If there is a change for the better, it is working. Many points have an effect on the quality of vision also. If you are overdoing a point or if you don’t need it there will be little effect.
Acupressure points are sometimes also activated for prolonged periods of time using tiny balls like ball-bearing balls and adhesive tape. One may also use little seeds like cherry pits to activate a point, which is sometimes done overnight. Acupressure may be used along with medication or may be started for little nagging problems, if you want to avoid medication.
Here are links for 2 more videos on acupressure:
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