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The technique of abdominal massage as part of Hatha Yoga Shatkriya is known as Nauli or Nauli Kriya. Nauli kriya has a lot of benefits if practiced regularly. Sathkriya or Sathkarma in Hath Yoga stands for the six purification methods, Nauli is one of them. Any regular Nauli practitioner will be able to maintain good health and virility. However, it takes time and patience to learn Nauli Kriya, but once you get the hang of it, it becomes the easiest and best exercise you can do for health and the only one for your internal organs. It took me a little less than one year to learn Nauli Kriya, but some people can learn it faster. It all depends on your fitness and commitment.
There is no other way to massage the internal organs of the abdomen. Nauli Kriya is the only exercise which massages the stomach, urinary bladder, liver, gall bladder, spleen, pancreas and the intestines to maintain these organs functioning well, and is a great boost for energy levels.
The key to being able to do the Nauli Kriya is isolating the various muscles of the abdomen. The muscles are found on either side of the abdomen, running vertically and parallel all the way from the lower ribs at the top to the pubic region at the bottom.
Before you can do the full Nauli Kriya, you need to learn to isolate the muscles to the left, known as Vama Nauli. Then you need to isolate the abdomen muscles to the right, known as Dakshina Nauli. And finally you need to work the muscles of the left and right while leaving the abdomen relaxed at the center. This is called Madhya Nauli. When you have learnt to isolate the muscles to the left, right and center, you now combine the three and do the stomach rotation known as the Nauli Kriya.
The best time to do Nauli Kriya is after fasting for at least 8 hours. Morning is the best time on an empty stomach and clear bowels. You may drink liquid half an hour before the practice and water 10 minutes before. Do not eat or drink anything after doing Nauli Kriya for at least half an hour. It can be done standing or sitting down, Most people prefer to do it standing because it is easier. My video here above shows you how to do Nauli Kriya sitting down. I am explaining below how to do Nauli standing up. You will see that in both positions the important thing is to be able to isolate the Dakdhina and Vama (left and right) muscles. Do it whichever way you prefer, the benefit is the same.
How to perform Vama Nauli
1. Stand with feet apart, knees bent and hands on the thighs.
2. Take a deep breath and then force the breath out with a hissing sound.
3. Contract the belly inwards and upwards (towards the sternum). This is called Uddiyana Bandha. This is the base position for performing Nauli kriya.
4. Now try to pull the abdomen to the left forming a cavity on the right.
5. Release. Stand up. Breathe a few times naturally and repeat.
How to perform Dakshina Nauli
See the steps in Vama Nauli only pull your muscles to the right forming a cavity to the left.
How to do Madhya Nauli
1. Stand with feet apart, knees bent and hands on the thighs.
2. Take a deep breath and then force the breath out with a hissing sound.
3. Contract the belly inwards and upwards (towards the sternum). This is called Uddiyana Bandha. This is the base position for performing Nauli kriya.
4. Hold the breath and try to isolate the Dakdhina and Vama (left and right) muscles and force them towards the center. There is no breathing involved. The breath is stopped with the air taken out of the lungs (also called Bahya Kumbhaka in Yoga).
5. Now breathe in and release the position. Come to a fully standing position. Take a few deep natural breaths before trying again.
6. Repeat
7. Once you are able to move the abdomen to the left and right try to contract the left and right muscles and leave the center lose to form the classic Nauli shape.
8. There are no further written instructions I can give you. Just keep trying until you get it and watch the video.
Once you have mastered the Dakshina, Vama and Madhya Nauli, you are ready to do the full Nauli Kriya. You should do this rotating clockwise and counter clockwise, both ways an equal number of times.
Recap of benefits of Nauli Kriya
1. Practice of Nauli massages all the internal organs in the abdomen and keeps them healthy.
2. Nauli relieves constipation.
3. Nauli strengthens the functioning of the sexual organs
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