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Lycoposium Clavatum is useful for all the following ailments if chosen on the basis of similia similbus curantur. Similia similibus curantur means “like cures like”. This is the elementary principle of Homeopathy. A substance which induces an ailment also cures it if prepared into a Homeopathic remedy. Therefore very often in homeopathy poisons are potensized into homeopathy remedies.
When choosing a remedy or medicine in homeopathy it is essential to take into account all prevailing symptoms of the patient. When chosen correctly keeping in line with the principles of homeopathy Lycopodium Clavatum can cure alopecia, constipation, cough, diarrhea, diphtheria, dropsy, dyspepsia, ear problems and lots more, that I will discuss here including conditions when Lycopodium is prescribed.
Lycopodium Clavatum is a premier remedy of Homeopathy. The personality of Lycopodium is intelligence and feeble muscular development. It is similar to Nux Vomica, keen intelligence with weak muscular development. They only make an impression after interaction with them when we realize their intellectual superiority. On first sight they are not at all impressive. They are very impatient and sensitive. Lycopodium patients sometimes pick unnecessary quarrels. They cannot tolerate contradiction and are fault finding. They may always be looking for a fight and are extremely sour. Whatever be their ailment aggravation is in the evenings. They have trouble eating and always feel full. They are very greedy and malicious. There is good chance of lung ailments. They are also predisposed to disease of the liver and consequently dropsical swellings. The face is pale with sunken eyes. They seem like an old man burdened with worry and anxiety.
Lycopodium often develops calculi in the bladder or kidneys expelling red gravel in urine. The mood is weeping and nothing can calm her. There is great pretence and stiffness. Flatulence is a key symptom and is in the lower abdomen. Lycopodium often seems bloated due to excessive accumulation of flatus.
Aggravation is peculiarly between 4 and 8 pm. All ailments start on the right and move to the left. If a headache starts it moves from the right to the left side of the head. It is usually the first remedy thought of in dyspepsia. The tongue is white coated with a sour putrid taste and painful blisters. They want to eat all the time but the appetite is uncertain. There is distress immediately after eating. They may be affected by nausea, vomiting and hiccoughs. Lyopodium Clavatum has a peculiar heart burn starting at 3 pm and being relieved at 7 pm with vomiting of sour bile and food.
The abdomen is sensitive to tight clothing. The liver is sensitive and there is great churning in the stomach with tension in the hypochondria. It is accompanied by depression of the mind. They may have ineffectual desire for stool due to constriction in the rectum. A striking symptom is severe cutting, stitching pain after evacuation. This extreme pain often leaves the patient prostrated. They may suffer from hemorrhoids. On probing there is spasmodic constriction of the sphincter. The rectum is narrowed. Lycopodium can cure diarrhea with chilliness of the rectum.
Lycopodium is used in diabetes in patients drinking large quantities of water and passing large amounts of clear or light colored urine. It also helps cystitis in patients with turbid, offensive, milky urine. They have to wait long to pass water despite great urging. There is great bearing down pain in the abdomen. There is great tendency to calculi formation and unless checked in time there is danger of running into regular attacks of colic. The red sandy substance is often seen in the urine of children and babies which makes them shriek on any attempt to urinate.
Lycopodium is a remedy par excellence for constipation of young men and boys dealing with nightly pollutions or addicted to masturbation. It is a remedy for impotence. There is lack of power and desire. The penis is cold, relaxed and shriveled. Erections are weak and the patient falls asleep during embrace. This often occurs in young men suffering from exhausting nightly pollutions and in old men after excessive sexual indulgence.
In the female sexual system we find passing of blood with every passing of stool. The patient complains of burning of the vagina after every attempt of coition. The vagina is also extremely dry. It helps reduce inflammation of the uterus. It is applicable in a chronic inflammation. Corroding bloody milky leucorrhea, neuralgic pain with origins in internal genitalia, erectile tumors and chronic dryness of the vagina calls for application of Lycopodium.
It is a remedy for morning sickness of pregnant women. There is nausea, vomiting, anorexia and swelling of veins during the first month. Movement of the fetus is a source of distress. Lycopodium checks this movement and induces labor at the proper time. The application during labor is when parturition is prevented by spasmodic contraction of the cervix. The pain though unbearable is ineffectual. The patient cannot be still and pains are relieved temporarily by pushing against a support.
Lycopodium is applicable in aliments of the respiratory tract. Nasal mucous membrane is inflamed. The onset of a bad cold with red eyes, acrid discharge from the nose swollen and inflamed calls for Lycopodium. Snuffles, discharge of elastic plugs and dry crusts, blockage of the nose causing uneasy sleep are other symptoms. There is serious involvement of the lungs when the cold travels downward. It is applicable in pneumonia when the breathing is diaphragmatic. The patient has a bluish white appearance with pinched nostrils. The pulse, heart rate and temperature are very high. There is expulsion of great quantities of blood streaked mucous. There is pain in the chest. The right lung is more affected. Cough is troublesome between 4 to 8 pm.
Lycoposium Clavatum is useful for all the following ailments if chosen on the basis of similia similbus curantur. Similia similibus curantur means “like cures like”. This is the elementary principle of Homeopathy. A substance which induces an ailment also cures it if prepared into a Homeopathic remedy. Therefore very often in homeopathy poisons are potensized into homeopathy remedies.
When choosing a remedy or medicine in homeopathy it is essential to take into account all prevailing symptoms of the patient. When chosen correctly keeping in line with the principles of homeopathy Lycopodium Clavatum can cure alopecia, constipation, cough, diarrhea, diphtheria, dropsy, dyspepsia, ear problems and lots more, that I will discuss here including conditions when Lycopodium is prescribed.
Lycopodium Clavatum is a premier remedy of Homeopathy. The personality of Lycopodium is intelligence and feeble muscular development. It is similar to Nux Vomica, keen intelligence with weak muscular development. They only make an impression after interaction with them when we realize their intellectual superiority. On first sight they are not at all impressive. They are very impatient and sensitive. Lycopodium patients sometimes pick unnecessary quarrels. They cannot tolerate contradiction and are fault finding. They may always be looking for a fight and are extremely sour. Whatever be their ailment aggravation is in the evenings. They have trouble eating and always feel full. They are very greedy and malicious. There is good chance of lung ailments. They are also predisposed to disease of the liver and consequently dropsical swellings. The face is pale with sunken eyes. They seem like an old man burdened with worry and anxiety.
Lycopodium often develops calculi in the bladder or kidneys expelling red gravel in urine. The mood is weeping and nothing can calm her. There is great pretence and stiffness. Flatulence is a key symptom and is in the lower abdomen. Lycopodium often seems bloated due to excessive accumulation of flatus.
Aggravation is peculiarly between 4 and 8 pm. All ailments start on the right and move to the left. If a headache starts it moves from the right to the left side of the head. It is usually the first remedy thought of in dyspepsia. The tongue is white coated with a sour putrid taste and painful blisters. They want to eat all the time but the appetite is uncertain. There is distress immediately after eating. They may be affected by nausea, vomiting and hiccoughs. Lyopodium Clavatum has a peculiar heart burn starting at 3 pm and being relieved at 7 pm with vomiting of sour bile and food.
The abdomen is sensitive to tight clothing. The liver is sensitive and there is great churning in the stomach with tension in the hypochondria. It is accompanied by depression of the mind. They may have ineffectual desire for stool due to constriction in the rectum. A striking symptom is severe cutting, stitching pain after evacuation. This extreme pain often leaves the patient prostrated. They may suffer from hemorrhoids. On probing there is spasmodic constriction of the sphincter. The rectum is narrowed. Lycopodium can cure diarrhea with chilliness of the rectum.
Lycopodium is used in diabetes in patients drinking large quantities of water and passing large amounts of clear or light colored urine. It also helps cystitis in patients with turbid, offensive, milky urine. They have to wait long to pass water despite great urging. There is great bearing down pain in the abdomen. There is great tendency to calculi formation and unless checked in time there is danger of running into regular attacks of colic. The red sandy substance is often seen in the urine of children and babies which makes them shriek on any attempt to urinate.
Lycopodium is a remedy par excellence for constipation of young men and boys dealing with nightly pollutions or addicted to masturbation. It is a remedy for impotence. There is lack of power and desire. The penis is cold, relaxed and shriveled. Erections are weak and the patient falls asleep during embrace. This often occurs in young men suffering from exhausting nightly pollutions and in old men after excessive sexual indulgence.
In the female sexual system we find passing of blood with every passing of stool. The patient complains of burning of the vagina after every attempt of coition. The vagina is also extremely dry. It helps reduce inflammation of the uterus. It is applicable in a chronic inflammation. Corroding bloody milky leucorrhea, neuralgic pain with origins in internal genitalia, erectile tumors and chronic dryness of the vagina calls for application of Lycopodium.
It is a remedy for morning sickness of pregnant women. There is nausea, vomiting, anorexia and swelling of veins during the first month. Movement of the fetus is a source of distress. Lycopodium checks this movement and induces labor at the proper time. The application during labor is when parturition is prevented by spasmodic contraction of the cervix. The pain though unbearable is ineffectual. The patient cannot be still and pains are relieved temporarily by pushing against a support.
Lycopodium is applicable in aliments of the respiratory tract. Nasal mucous membrane is inflamed. The onset of a bad cold with red eyes, acrid discharge from the nose swollen and inflamed calls for Lycopodium. Snuffles, discharge of elastic plugs and dry crusts, blockage of the nose causing uneasy sleep are other symptoms. There is serious involvement of the lungs when the cold travels downward. It is applicable in pneumonia when the breathing is diaphragmatic. The patient has a bluish white appearance with pinched nostrils. The pulse, heart rate and temperature are very high. There is expulsion of great quantities of blood streaked mucous. There is pain in the chest. The right lung is more affected. Cough is troublesome between 4 to 8 pm.
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