Hypothyroidism is caused when your thyroid gland under produces thyroid hormones. Thyroid hormones metabolize sugar and helps our body produce energy. A drop in the hormone levels causes fatigue. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, an autoimmune disease of the thyroid may result in Hypothyroidism. Other causes of Hypothyroidism are excessive exposure to iodide from medicines, consumption of lithium drugs and surgical removal of the thyroid. Also as we age the thyroid function retards and may result in Hypothyroid. The most common reason however, is lower levels of iodine in the diet. This can be corrected by consuming more Iodine rich foods.
Foods rich in iodine
An important source of Iodine is fortified salt. It is not adequate however, to limit yourself to salt as the only source for Iodine. You may also need to add other sources if you are on a reduced sodium diet. Medicines for depression and allergies affect thyroid function. One way to maintain needed levels of Iodine in the body is to add dairy products, eggs, seaweed like Kelp, saltwater fish and shellfish to your diet.
Goitrogenic foods
Goitrogenic foods or anti thyroid foods should be avoided especially in raw form. These affect thyroid function resulting in lower production of thyroid hormones. When cooked such foods cause less damage. Some foods which retard thyroid function are: Broccoli, Pears, Turnips, Corn, Pine nuts, Kohlrabi, Soybeans, Rutabaga, Peanuts, Spinach, Watercress, Radishes, Cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, Mustard, Cabbage, Peaches, Canola oil, Strawberries and Millets.
Glutathione foods
Cystine, glycine and glutamine together are known as Glutathione. Glutathione acts on overall health and is therefore known as the master antioxidant. Our liver naturally synthesizes Glutathione. However whenever we are under stress, which may be due to a medical condition, the natural production of Glutathione is affected. Therefore it should be supplemented in a condition like Hypothyroidism. Lower levels of Glutathione affects the stomach lining resulting in a weakened immune system. The best Glutathione food sources are fruits, vegetables and meat. Foods that help the body to produce Glutathione are: Asparagus, Peaches, Squash, Raw eggs, Broccoli, Avocado, Garlic and Grapefruit.
Hypothyroidism and exercise
It is a good idea to put in a 15 minute workout everyday or half an hour a week. If you don’t feel like exercising even going out for a walk would be a good idea. Ideally do breathing exercises of any kind. Pranayam and Yoga really work wonders for a thyroid condition. There are some excellent techniques in Yoga like Ujjahi breathing improves the function of the thyroid. Techniques like Kapal bhati and Nauli improve digestion and increase energy levels.
Sunlight – Natural Source of Vitamin D
Proper Calcium metabolism is dependent on vitamin D and is important for the thyroid function. Among all natural sources of vitamin D sunlight is the most important. Our body makes Vitamin D from exposure to sunlight. Proper Vitamin D levels alleviate symptoms of depression and also help thyroid function. Although it is common for doctors to prescribe Vitamin D3 supplements even to healthy people, sunshine remains the only natural source of vitamin D. If you remain indoors, it is important to expose yourself to sunlight at least 20 minutes each day. So combine it with your exercise routine.
Herbs for thyroid treatment
Herbs have been used for treating the thyroid for thousands of years. Herbs may be taken along with thyroid medicines or you could try herbs before you go on to modern medicine. Nettle is rich in iodine. It may be used in the form of tea or Nettle oil can be used to massage the neck. Siberian Ginseng is an excellent remedy for fatigue. All Hypothyroid patients suffer from fatigue. Ginseng regulates the thymus and adrenal glands which in turn improve thyroid function.
Foods rich in iodine
An important source of Iodine is fortified salt. It is not adequate however, to limit yourself to salt as the only source for Iodine. You may also need to add other sources if you are on a reduced sodium diet. Medicines for depression and allergies affect thyroid function. One way to maintain needed levels of Iodine in the body is to add dairy products, eggs, seaweed like Kelp, saltwater fish and shellfish to your diet.
Goitrogenic foods
Goitrogenic foods or anti thyroid foods should be avoided especially in raw form. These affect thyroid function resulting in lower production of thyroid hormones. When cooked such foods cause less damage. Some foods which retard thyroid function are: Broccoli, Pears, Turnips, Corn, Pine nuts, Kohlrabi, Soybeans, Rutabaga, Peanuts, Spinach, Watercress, Radishes, Cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, Mustard, Cabbage, Peaches, Canola oil, Strawberries and Millets.
Glutathione foods
Cystine, glycine and glutamine together are known as Glutathione. Glutathione acts on overall health and is therefore known as the master antioxidant. Our liver naturally synthesizes Glutathione. However whenever we are under stress, which may be due to a medical condition, the natural production of Glutathione is affected. Therefore it should be supplemented in a condition like Hypothyroidism. Lower levels of Glutathione affects the stomach lining resulting in a weakened immune system. The best Glutathione food sources are fruits, vegetables and meat. Foods that help the body to produce Glutathione are: Asparagus, Peaches, Squash, Raw eggs, Broccoli, Avocado, Garlic and Grapefruit.
Hypothyroidism and exercise
It is a good idea to put in a 15 minute workout everyday or half an hour a week. If you don’t feel like exercising even going out for a walk would be a good idea. Ideally do breathing exercises of any kind. Pranayam and Yoga really work wonders for a thyroid condition. There are some excellent techniques in Yoga like Ujjahi breathing improves the function of the thyroid. Techniques like Kapal bhati and Nauli improve digestion and increase energy levels.
Sunlight – Natural Source of Vitamin D
Proper Calcium metabolism is dependent on vitamin D and is important for the thyroid function. Among all natural sources of vitamin D sunlight is the most important. Our body makes Vitamin D from exposure to sunlight. Proper Vitamin D levels alleviate symptoms of depression and also help thyroid function. Although it is common for doctors to prescribe Vitamin D3 supplements even to healthy people, sunshine remains the only natural source of vitamin D. If you remain indoors, it is important to expose yourself to sunlight at least 20 minutes each day. So combine it with your exercise routine.
Herbs for thyroid treatment
Herbs have been used for treating the thyroid for thousands of years. Herbs may be taken along with thyroid medicines or you could try herbs before you go on to modern medicine. Nettle is rich in iodine. It may be used in the form of tea or Nettle oil can be used to massage the neck. Siberian Ginseng is an excellent remedy for fatigue. All Hypothyroid patients suffer from fatigue. Ginseng regulates the thymus and adrenal glands which in turn improve thyroid function.
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