Saturday, 13 December 2014

Pulsatilla - Read eBooks using the FREE Kindle Reading App on Most Devices

Pulsatilla is a polychrest remedy. It is useful for treating virtually every disease known to man. In Homeopathy however, a remedy is prescribed on indication, taking into account totality of symptoms. A Pulsatilla patient can be easily recognized by her mild and yielding temperament.  She can hardly say a cruel word and is always taken advantage of. A Pulsatilla patient broods endlessly on her course of action. She is loved by all because of her mild yielding disposition. She is thrown off balance easily and cries at the smallest of matters. She cries at the smallest of ailments which would generally be overlooked by another patient. Tendency to weep is the key symptom of a Pulsatilla patient. However, Pulsatilla is not the only remedy for a tendency to weep. Lycopodium, Sepia and Natrum Mur. patients are equally sad. There is also great changeability of symptoms her unhappiness may easily change to vehemence and peevishness. In this Pulsatilla is similar to Sarsaparilla, Nux mosch and Ignatia.

This changeability of symptoms is important to note as it is seen in every ailment. Pain changes location and intensity and is accompanied by chills. Chills increase and decrease in tandem with pain. Keeping in line with this changeability her menstrual cycle and flow are irregular. She is also very sad and gloomy during this period. She does not have a ray of hope. She also has the strangest of hallucinations. She may at times imagine that she is in bed with a naked stranger. Strangely such symptoms are very common.

Pulsatilla is often indicated in ailments after grief, like the loss of a loved one. These patients suffer from uterine or neuralgic headaches. The pain is located in the forehead or behind the ear and is almost inconceivable. It is relieved in the open and by banding the head. It increases in the evening, in a warm room and by exertion.

Pulsatilla is an excellent remedy for toothache. The gums may bleed and are spongy. They pain at the least touch. The pain is unbearable and comes and goes. The pain makes the eyes water whenever it increases. Like all other symptoms it is more at night and evenings. Toothache also increases at rest, in a warm room and bed.

Pulsatilla affects the female sexual system deeply. The menstrual flow is irregular and may also be insufficient and delayed. The flow is more during the day and on movement. For Homeopaths the time of flow is critical. To find the correct remedy in homeopathy it is important to consider the time of aggravation and amelioration. We also need to consider under what conditions the symptoms are more and when they recede. The menstrual discharge may be thin and watery or thick clotted black. The changeability of symptoms applies here also. Discharges differ every time and are accompanied with chilliness, weeping, migraine, nausea and vomiting. Pulsatilla may also suppress menses. It is applicable in suppression of menses of young girls when the period is delayed or absent. This has a major psychological effect on them. They become detached and silent. It may have its root in getting the feet wet or nervous debility. Other symptoms accompanying the condition are anorexia, headache and nausea. A large number of other ailments may arise in women from deviation in the sexual sphere. 

The leucorrhea discharge for Pulsatilla is thick, milky-white. It is a treatment for leucorrhea in girls during puberty and suppression of menses and may be associated with cold and damp.

It is often used during pregnancy to prevent abortion. Injudicious use however may result in abortion. The indications during pregnancy are appearance of the flow, fainting and pain. Difficulty in breathing is often associated with Pulsatilla. When prescribed on totality of symptoms Pulsatilla corrects wrong position of fetus.

The dyspepsia in Pulsatilla has slow digestion. The taste of food lingers on. There is vomiting where the food from previous days is thrown. Pain in the pit of the stomach is a classic symptom. There may be ulceration in the stomach. There is discomforting flatulence which rumbles in the stomach, especially in the evenings. It may give rise to colic. It is the result of indulgence. The tongue is coated white and she is thirst less. Often there is diarrhea. The stool is in all complaints are different every time. They may be bloody, green or white. They are different every time. Some are offensive and others may be odorless. This diarrhea may change to constipation. She has irregular menstruation, backache, nausea and bad taste requiring repeated rinsing.

Pulsatilla is the remedy for fever with paroxysm at 4 pm. The fever is preceded by diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. The tongue is coated white or yellow. As in all ailments there is great changeability of symptoms. Every paroxysm is different. The attack starts at 4 pm with gastric disturbance. The chill is shifting. There is heat in one part and chill in another. Sometimes one side in numb. Hands and feet burn during the heat stage. She wants the doors and windows open. She cannot tolerate external warmth. Her face is red and veins distended. Even before the heat stage the patient starts to sweat abundantly. The sweat is more during sleep and evenings. She is thirsty during the morning paroxysm but quite thirst less during the paroxysm at 4 pm.

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