Sunday, 14 December 2014

Lycopodium Clavatum - Read eBooks using the FREE Kindle Reading App on Most Devices

Lycoposium Clavatum is useful for all the following ailments if chosen on the basis of similia similbus curantur. Similia similibus curantur means “like cures like”. This is the elementary principle of Homeopathy. A substance which induces an ailment also cures it if prepared into a Homeopathic remedy. Therefore very often in homeopathy poisons are potensized into homeopathy remedies.

When choosing a remedy or medicine in homeopathy it is essential to take into account all prevailing symptoms of the patient. When chosen correctly keeping in line with the principles of homeopathy Lycopodium Clavatum can cure alopecia, constipation, cough, diarrhea, diphtheria, dropsy, dyspepsia, ear problems and lots more, that I will discuss here including conditions when Lycopodium is prescribed.

Lycopodium Clavatum is a premier remedy of Homeopathy. The personality of Lycopodium is intelligence and feeble muscular development. It is similar to Nux Vomica, keen intelligence with weak muscular development. They only make an impression after interaction with them when we realize their intellectual superiority. On first sight they are not at all impressive. They are very impatient and sensitive. Lycopodium patients sometimes pick unnecessary quarrels. They cannot tolerate contradiction and are fault finding. They may always be looking for a fight and are extremely sour. Whatever be their ailment aggravation is in the evenings. They have trouble eating and always feel full. They are very greedy and malicious. There is good chance of lung ailments. They are also predisposed to disease of the liver and consequently dropsical swellings. The face is pale with sunken eyes. They seem like an old man burdened with worry and anxiety.

Lycopodium often develops calculi in the bladder or kidneys expelling red gravel in urine. The mood is weeping and nothing can calm her. There is great pretence and stiffness. Flatulence is a key symptom and is in the lower abdomen. Lycopodium often seems bloated due to excessive accumulation of flatus.

Aggravation is peculiarly between 4 and 8 pm. All ailments start on the right and move to the left. If a headache starts it moves from the right to the left side of the head. It is usually the first remedy thought of in dyspepsia. The tongue is white coated with a sour putrid taste and painful blisters. They want to eat all the time but the appetite is uncertain. There is distress immediately after eating. They may be affected by nausea, vomiting and hiccoughs. Lyopodium Clavatum has a peculiar heart burn starting at 3 pm and being relieved at 7 pm with vomiting of sour bile and food.

The abdomen is sensitive to tight clothing. The liver is sensitive and there is great churning in the stomach with tension in the hypochondria. It is accompanied by depression of the mind. They may have ineffectual desire for stool due to constriction in the rectum. A striking symptom is severe cutting, stitching pain after evacuation. This extreme pain often leaves the patient prostrated. They may suffer from hemorrhoids. On probing there is spasmodic constriction of the sphincter. The rectum is narrowed. Lycopodium can cure diarrhea with chilliness of the rectum.

Lycopodium is used in diabetes in patients drinking large quantities of water and passing large amounts of clear or light colored urine. It also helps cystitis in patients with turbid, offensive, milky urine. They have to wait long to pass water despite great urging. There is great bearing down pain in the abdomen. There is great tendency to calculi formation and unless checked in time there is danger of running into regular attacks of colic. The red sandy substance is often seen in the urine of children and babies which makes them shriek on any attempt to urinate.

Lycopodium is a remedy par excellence for constipation of young men and boys dealing with nightly pollutions or addicted to masturbation. It is a remedy for impotence. There is lack of power and desire. The penis is cold, relaxed and shriveled. Erections are weak and the patient falls asleep during embrace. This often occurs in young men suffering from exhausting nightly pollutions and in old men after excessive sexual indulgence.

In the female sexual system we find passing of blood with every passing of stool. The patient complains of burning of the vagina after every attempt of coition. The vagina is also extremely dry. It helps reduce inflammation of the uterus. It is applicable in a chronic inflammation. Corroding bloody milky leucorrhea, neuralgic pain with origins in internal genitalia, erectile tumors and chronic dryness of the vagina calls for application of Lycopodium.

It is a remedy for morning sickness of pregnant women. There is nausea, vomiting, anorexia and swelling of veins during the first month. Movement of the fetus is a source of distress. Lycopodium checks this movement and induces labor at the proper time. The application during labor is when parturition is prevented by spasmodic contraction of the cervix. The pain though unbearable is ineffectual. The patient cannot be still and pains are relieved temporarily by pushing against a support.

Lycopodium is applicable in aliments of the respiratory tract. Nasal mucous membrane is inflamed. The onset of a bad cold with red eyes, acrid discharge from the nose swollen and inflamed calls for Lycopodium. Snuffles, discharge of elastic plugs and dry crusts, blockage of the nose causing uneasy sleep are other symptoms. There is serious involvement of the lungs when the cold travels downward. It is applicable in pneumonia when the breathing is diaphragmatic. The patient has a bluish white appearance with pinched nostrils. The pulse, heart rate and temperature are very high. There is expulsion of great quantities of blood streaked mucous. There is pain in the chest. The right lung is more affected. Cough is troublesome between 4 to 8 pm.

Saturday, 13 December 2014

Pulsatilla - Read eBooks using the FREE Kindle Reading App on Most Devices

Pulsatilla is a polychrest remedy. It is useful for treating virtually every disease known to man. In Homeopathy however, a remedy is prescribed on indication, taking into account totality of symptoms. A Pulsatilla patient can be easily recognized by her mild and yielding temperament.  She can hardly say a cruel word and is always taken advantage of. A Pulsatilla patient broods endlessly on her course of action. She is loved by all because of her mild yielding disposition. She is thrown off balance easily and cries at the smallest of matters. She cries at the smallest of ailments which would generally be overlooked by another patient. Tendency to weep is the key symptom of a Pulsatilla patient. However, Pulsatilla is not the only remedy for a tendency to weep. Lycopodium, Sepia and Natrum Mur. patients are equally sad. There is also great changeability of symptoms her unhappiness may easily change to vehemence and peevishness. In this Pulsatilla is similar to Sarsaparilla, Nux mosch and Ignatia.

This changeability of symptoms is important to note as it is seen in every ailment. Pain changes location and intensity and is accompanied by chills. Chills increase and decrease in tandem with pain. Keeping in line with this changeability her menstrual cycle and flow are irregular. She is also very sad and gloomy during this period. She does not have a ray of hope. She also has the strangest of hallucinations. She may at times imagine that she is in bed with a naked stranger. Strangely such symptoms are very common.

Pulsatilla is often indicated in ailments after grief, like the loss of a loved one. These patients suffer from uterine or neuralgic headaches. The pain is located in the forehead or behind the ear and is almost inconceivable. It is relieved in the open and by banding the head. It increases in the evening, in a warm room and by exertion.

Pulsatilla is an excellent remedy for toothache. The gums may bleed and are spongy. They pain at the least touch. The pain is unbearable and comes and goes. The pain makes the eyes water whenever it increases. Like all other symptoms it is more at night and evenings. Toothache also increases at rest, in a warm room and bed.

Pulsatilla affects the female sexual system deeply. The menstrual flow is irregular and may also be insufficient and delayed. The flow is more during the day and on movement. For Homeopaths the time of flow is critical. To find the correct remedy in homeopathy it is important to consider the time of aggravation and amelioration. We also need to consider under what conditions the symptoms are more and when they recede. The menstrual discharge may be thin and watery or thick clotted black. The changeability of symptoms applies here also. Discharges differ every time and are accompanied with chilliness, weeping, migraine, nausea and vomiting. Pulsatilla may also suppress menses. It is applicable in suppression of menses of young girls when the period is delayed or absent. This has a major psychological effect on them. They become detached and silent. It may have its root in getting the feet wet or nervous debility. Other symptoms accompanying the condition are anorexia, headache and nausea. A large number of other ailments may arise in women from deviation in the sexual sphere. 

The leucorrhea discharge for Pulsatilla is thick, milky-white. It is a treatment for leucorrhea in girls during puberty and suppression of menses and may be associated with cold and damp.

It is often used during pregnancy to prevent abortion. Injudicious use however may result in abortion. The indications during pregnancy are appearance of the flow, fainting and pain. Difficulty in breathing is often associated with Pulsatilla. When prescribed on totality of symptoms Pulsatilla corrects wrong position of fetus.

The dyspepsia in Pulsatilla has slow digestion. The taste of food lingers on. There is vomiting where the food from previous days is thrown. Pain in the pit of the stomach is a classic symptom. There may be ulceration in the stomach. There is discomforting flatulence which rumbles in the stomach, especially in the evenings. It may give rise to colic. It is the result of indulgence. The tongue is coated white and she is thirst less. Often there is diarrhea. The stool is in all complaints are different every time. They may be bloody, green or white. They are different every time. Some are offensive and others may be odorless. This diarrhea may change to constipation. She has irregular menstruation, backache, nausea and bad taste requiring repeated rinsing.

Pulsatilla is the remedy for fever with paroxysm at 4 pm. The fever is preceded by diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. The tongue is coated white or yellow. As in all ailments there is great changeability of symptoms. Every paroxysm is different. The attack starts at 4 pm with gastric disturbance. The chill is shifting. There is heat in one part and chill in another. Sometimes one side in numb. Hands and feet burn during the heat stage. She wants the doors and windows open. She cannot tolerate external warmth. Her face is red and veins distended. Even before the heat stage the patient starts to sweat abundantly. The sweat is more during sleep and evenings. She is thirsty during the morning paroxysm but quite thirst less during the paroxysm at 4 pm.

Thursday, 11 December 2014

Dandruff Treatment

Dandruff is a common chronic scalp condition. It is not contagious unless caused by infection. It is nothing but flakes of dead skin formation on the scalp. Dandruff may be accompanied with itching and in severe cases, burning. It is caused by cold dry weather, over-growth of fungus, infrequent shampooing, stress, hormonal changes, and sensitivity to hair styling products. Deficiency of zinc and vitamins B may also cause dandruff. The risk of dandruff increases due to incorrect diet, illness, stress or constipation.

Dandruff treatment with chemical based solutions may in the long run only make the problem worse. A simple way to treat dandruff is to use fresh lemon or lime juice. Just squeeze juice from one lemon about 10 ml for long hair and 5 ml for short hair. Use enough so that it stays in the hair. Add equal amount of water. Apply the mix to your scalp 10 minutes before washing the hair. Lemon and lime are also great as deodorants. Just cut a lemon and apply it under your armpit, leave it for a while and wipe. Remember not to apply lemon juice after shaving.  You can also mix equal parts of lemon juice to coconut oil and apply to the root of your hair. Leave it on for 20 minutes before rinsing.  You may use any other oil with lemon juice for dandruff. The fact is that the active ingredient is lemon or lime juice. Use only edible grade oil for best results, like coconut oil, almond oil, olive oil, sesame seed oil or mustard oil.

I have also heard of people using Yellow Listerine mouthwash to treat dandruff. However I wouldn’t do it because Listerine mouthwash has alcohol which can make the hair very dry. Dry hair will result in more dandruff in the long term. So if you are using Listerine in your hair, you need to think again.

Neem (Azadirachta indica) has been used for thousands of years in India to treat all kinds of skin and hair problems. Take a handful of fresh Neem leaves and boil them in one liter of water for about 20 minutes. Add water as required. Strain the leaves when cool and rinse your hair with the solution everyday for 10 days or till the dandruff is in control.

Camphor may be used for dandruff treatment. Take 5 table spoons of coconut oil in a heating frying pan. Add a piece of camphor, about 1 gram. Mix it well. Let the oil cool down till lukewarm. Massage your scalp with the mix. Leave it over night.

A remedy that may be used is plain yogurt. Massage your scalp with yogurt and leave it on for 20 minutes. Use it for as many days as needed, if you dare.

Natural Thyroid Treatment

Hypothyroidism is caused when your thyroid gland under produces thyroid hormones. Thyroid hormones metabolize sugar and helps our body produce energy. A drop in the hormone levels causes fatigue. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, an autoimmune disease of the thyroid may result in Hypothyroidism. Other causes of Hypothyroidism are excessive exposure to iodide from medicines, consumption of lithium drugs and surgical removal of the thyroid. Also as we age the thyroid function retards and may result in Hypothyroid. The most common reason however, is lower levels of iodine in the diet. This can be corrected by consuming more Iodine rich foods.

Foods rich in iodine
An important source of Iodine is fortified salt. It is not adequate however, to limit yourself to salt as the only source for Iodine. You may also need to add other sources if you are on a reduced sodium diet. Medicines for depression and allergies affect thyroid function. One way to maintain needed levels of Iodine in the body is to add dairy products, eggs, seaweed like Kelp, saltwater fish and shellfish to your diet.

Goitrogenic foods
Goitrogenic foods or anti thyroid foods should be avoided especially in raw form. These affect thyroid function resulting in lower production of thyroid hormones. When cooked such foods cause less damage. Some foods which retard thyroid function are: Broccoli, Pears, Turnips, Corn, Pine nuts, Kohlrabi, Soybeans, Rutabaga, Peanuts, Spinach, Watercress, Radishes, Cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, Mustard, Cabbage, Peaches, Canola oil, Strawberries and Millets.

Glutathione foods
Cystine, glycine and glutamine together are known as Glutathione. Glutathione acts on overall health and is therefore known as the master antioxidant. Our liver naturally synthesizes Glutathione. However whenever we are under stress, which may be due to a medical condition, the natural production of Glutathione is affected.  Therefore it should be supplemented in a condition like Hypothyroidism. Lower levels of Glutathione affects the stomach lining resulting in a weakened immune system. The best Glutathione food sources are fruits, vegetables and meat. Foods that help the body to produce Glutathione are: Asparagus, Peaches, Squash, Raw eggs, Broccoli, Avocado, Garlic and Grapefruit.

Hypothyroidism and exercise
It is a good idea to put in a 15 minute workout everyday or half an hour a week. If you don’t feel like exercising even going out for a walk would be a good idea. Ideally do breathing exercises of any kind. Pranayam and Yoga really work wonders for a thyroid condition. There are some excellent techniques in Yoga like Ujjahi breathing improves the function of the thyroid. Techniques like Kapal bhati and Nauli improve digestion and increase energy levels.

Sunlight – Natural Source of Vitamin D
Proper Calcium metabolism is dependent on vitamin D and is important for the thyroid function. Among all natural sources of vitamin D sunlight is the most important. Our body makes Vitamin D from exposure to sunlight. Proper Vitamin D levels alleviate symptoms of depression and also help thyroid function. Although it is common for doctors to prescribe Vitamin D3 supplements even to healthy people, sunshine remains the only natural source of vitamin D. If you remain indoors, it is important to expose yourself to sunlight at least 20 minutes each day. So combine it with your exercise routine.

Herbs for thyroid treatment
Herbs have been used for treating the thyroid for thousands of years. Herbs may be taken along with thyroid medicines or you could try herbs before you go on to modern medicine. Nettle is rich in iodine. It may be used in the form of tea or Nettle oil can be used to massage the neck. Siberian Ginseng is an excellent remedy for fatigue. All Hypothyroid patients suffer from fatigue. Ginseng regulates the thymus and adrenal glands which in turn improve thyroid function.

Sunday, 5 October 2014

Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism and the Thyroid

 The thyroid gland consists of two connected lobes and is the largest endocrine gland in vertebrates. It is in common parlance said to have a butterfly shape. The thyroid gland is found below the “Adam’s apple” (the laryngeal prominence) in humans. It controls our sensitivity to other hormones, how the body makes proteins and uses energy.  The thyroid produces two main hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). Triiodothyronine is also referred to as tetraiodothyronine, triiodo referring to 3 iodine molecules. T3 and T4 form triggers for the functioning of most other systems of the body. The main components of T3 and T4 are thyrosine and iodine. The thyroid assists calcium homeostasis by producing cacitonin. Calcium homeostasis helps maintain sufficient levels of calcium in the body.
Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), produced by the pituitary gland triggers the thyroid to produce T3 and T4. The pituitary gland is in turn regulated by thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) which is produced in the hypothalamus.
The thyroid gland is made-up of two lobes or wings, the left lobe referred to as  lobus sinister and the right lobe called lobus dexter. Both lobes are 3 cm wide, 5 cm long and 2 cm thick. The thyroid is located on the frontal side of the neck below the Adams apple. Occasionally there is a third lobe, the pyramidal lobe present forming part of the thyroid. This lobe is a remnant of the fetal thyroglossal duct. The thyroid gland weighs 18-60 grams in adults and even more in women during pregnancy.
There are two types of dysfunctions of the thyroid gland, Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism. In Hypothyroidism the gland produces less than sufficient levels of thyroid hormones and in Hyperthyroidism the hormones are produced in excess.
Hypothyroidism is a common thyroid disorder. The symptoms of hypothyroidism are fatigue, intolerance to cold, weight gain, inability to concentrate, dryness of the skin, hair loss and more. It may lead to delayed growth and intellectual impairment in children. It is called cretinism in extreme cases. The diagnosis of hypothyroidism is a simple blood test measuring thyroid-stimulating hormone, thyroxine and triiodothyronine. The lab range for TSH is between 0.30 to 5.5 measured in uIU/ml (international units per milliliter), the lab range for T3 is 60 – 200 ng/dl (nanogram/deciliter) and the lab range for T4 is 4.5 to 12 ug/dl (microgram/deciliter). However labs may use different measurement representations. There is however a debate in the medical community about the reference range of TSH used by testing labs for screening hypothyroid patients. It is being advocated that the upper limit be reduced from 5.5 to 3.0  uIU/ml.
The most common cause of hypothyroidism is deficiency of iodine in the diet. So the best preventive measure is to include iodized salt and other foods containing iodine. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is an autoimmune disorder; it is another common cause of this thyroid syndrome. Some other causes of hypothyroidism are a thyroid surgery, malfunctioning or injured pituitary gland and the hypothalamus. There are many instances of the thyroid not functioning since birth. Hypothyroidism can be easily treated with artificially manufactured hormone supplementation. The dose is usually adjusted according to TSH and thyroxine normalization levels, taking into account clinical symptoms.
Deferred relaxation after the ankle jerk reflex test is a distinctive sign of hypothyroidism, other signs and symptoms are: fatigue, dry coarse skin, feeling cold, cool extremities, poor memory and concentration, Myxedema, constipation, dyspepsia, hair loss, weight gain with poor appetite, slow pulse rate, shortness of breath, swelling of the limbs, hoarse voice, delayed relaxation of tendon reflexes, heavy menstrual periods, carpal tunnel syndrome, abnormal sensations, pleural effusion, ascites, pericardial effusion, poor hearing.
Hyperthyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland makes excessive amounts of thyroid hormones. The condition is also referred to as hyperthyreosis or overactive thyroid. In hyperthyroidism both thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) circulating in the body are over produced. The most common cause of hyperthyroidism is Graves’ disease. Thyrotoxicosis is caused by hyperthyroidism. Thyrotoxicosis is a clinical syndrome which occurs due to extreme elevation of T3 and T4 in blood serum. However, Thyrotoxicosis may occur without hyperthyroidism and may be attributed to swelling of the thyroid gland. Thyrotoxicosis may be exogenous in nature and could happen due to accidental excessive ingestion of the prescription thyroid hormone.
Hyperthyroidism is a condition more difficult to manage than hypothyroidism. The management of hyperthyroidism involves the use of antithyroid drugs, suppressing the thyroid function. However, a more permanent solution is radioisotope therapy or surgery. All methods have the risk of inducing hypothyroidism. Hyperthyroidism has a high probability of being cancerous in origin.
Every function of the body speeds up, if there is too much thyroid hormone. Hence, some symptoms of hyperthyroidism are nervousness, vomiting, irritability, lightened menstrual flow, increased perspiration, frequent bowel movement, racing heart, hand tremors, weight loss, anxiety, difficulty sleeping, thinning of the skin, fine brittle hair, and muscular weakness.


Saturday, 4 October 2014

Types of Diabetes

Diabetes or Diabetes mellitus is a group of diseases in which the patient has high blood glucose levels (blood sugar). This happens because either the cells do not respond to insulin adequately or insulin production is low, or sometimes both. Patients with high blood glucose classically experience frequent urination, increased thirst and hunger.

Some important facts about Diabetes are:

Diabetes is a long-term condition.

In 2013 it was estimated that over 382 million people throughout the world had Diabetes (Williams textbook of endocrinology).

Type 1 Diabetes - the body does not produce insulin.

Type 2 Diabetes - the body does not produce enough insulin for proper function. Most cases of Diabetes are type-2.

Gestational Diabetes - this type affects women during pregnancy.

The most common Diabetes symptoms include frequent urination, intense thirst and hunger, weight gain, unusual weight loss, fatigue, cuts and bruises that do not heal, male sexual dysfunction, numbness and tingling in hands and feet.

If you have Type 1 Diabetes and follow a healthy eating plan, do adequate exercise, and take insulin, you can lead a normal life.

Type 2 patients need to eat healthy, be physically active, and monitor blood glucose levels. They may also need to take oral medication, and/or insulin to control blood glucose levels.

The risk of cardiovascular disease is much higher for a diabetic, it is crucial that blood pressure and cholesterol levels are monitored regularly.

Smoking might have a serious effect on cardiovascular health, diabetics should stop smoking.

Hypoglycemia - low blood glucose and Hyperglycemia - when blood glucose is too high – both can have a bad effect on the patient.

Type 1 Diabetes
People usually develop type 1 Diabetes before the age of 40, in early adulthood or teenage years. It is referred to as insulin-dependent Diabetes, early-onset Diabetes or juvenile Diabetes. Patients need to monitor blood glucose levels regularly and will be insulin dependent through their lives.

Type 2 Diabetes
Most cases of Diabetes are type 2 cases, where the body does not produce enough insulin to function properly. In some cases the cells in the body are insulin resistant and do not react to insulin. Some people may be able to control type 2 Diabetes symptoms following a healthy diet, doing plenty of exercise and losing weight while monitoring their blood glucose levels. This however is a progressive disease and eventually the patient will need to take insulin, usually in tablet form. Obese and overweight people are at greater risk of this type of Diabetes as compared to individuals with healthy body weight. People with belly fat (visceral fat) are at higher risk. Being overweight, physically inactive and eating the wrong foods all add to the risk of developing type 2 Diabetes. The risk is also higher as we grow older. Men with lower testosterone levels are also at higher risk of developing type 2 Diabetes possibly because of lower levels of physical activity.

Gestational Diabetes
This is Diabetes that affects women during pregnancy. Some women have very high levels of glucose in their blood during pregnancy, and their bodies are unable to produce enough insulin to transport all of the glucose into their cells, resulting in progressively rising levels of glucose. Gestational Diabetes can be controlled by diet and exercise. A low percentage of women may need to take oral medication to control gestational Diabetes. Uncontrolled Diabetes during pregnancy can lead to complications during childbirth.

What is Pre-diabetes
Pre-diabetes is a precursor to Diabetes especially type 2 Diabetes. Cells in the body are becoming resistant to insulin. Blood glucose levels are higher than normal but not high enough to merit a Diabetes diagnosis. Some studies suggest that at this stage some damage has already occurred. Pre-diabetes can be effectively treated with yoga and acupressure. When doing acupressure for diabetes you need to activate the pancreas point.  A good video on acupressure showing how to activate the pancreas point is available at here. The link is repeated at the end of the post.

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder. Metabolism is the way our bodies use digested food for energy and growth. Everything we eat is broken down into glucose, which is the main source of fuel for our bodies. When our food is digested, the glucose makes its way into our bloodstream. Our cells use the glucose for energy and growth. However, glucose cannot enter our cells without insulin being present.

Insulin is a hormone that is produced in the pancreas. After eating, the pancreas automatically releases an adequate quantity of insulin to move the glucose present in our blood into the cells, as soon as glucose enters the cells blood-glucose levels drop.

Doctors can determine whether a patient has a normal metabolism, pre-diabetic or diabetic in one of three different ways - there are three possible tests:

The A1C test
 - at least 6.5% means Diabetes
 - between 5.7% and 5.99% means pre-diabetes
 - less than 5.7% means normal

The FPG (fasting plasma glucose) test
 - at least 126 mg/dl means Diabetes
 - between 100 mg/dl and 125.99 mg/dl means pre-diabetes
 - less than 100 mg/dl means normal

An abnormal reading following the FPG means the patient has impaired fasting glucose (IFG)

The OGTT (oral glucose tolerance test)
 - at least 200 mg/dl means Diabetes
 - between 140 and 199.9 mg/dl means pre-diabetes
 - less than 140 mg/dl means normal

An abnormal reading following the OGTT means the patient has impaired glucose tolerance (IGT)

Watch Acupressure Video

Friday, 3 October 2014

Foods to lower Cholesterol

High cholesterol is a result of our unhealthy lifestyle choices, lack of exercise, too much oil and red meat. Other factors that contribute high cholesterol are excessive drinking, smoking, aging (arteries tend to narrow with age), genetics, and certain underlying health conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and kidney or liver disease. The problem is with Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) or the bad cholesterol increasing. We need cholesterol within range for converting sunshine to vitamin D, building and maintaining cell membranes, and other important functions. A very high level of LDL known as hypercholesterolemia can be fatal. However High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol is good for the body. LDL tends to accumulate along artery walls and increases your risk of having a heart attack.

The lab maximum for total cholesterol is below 200 mg/dl (milligrams per deciliter of blood). Up to 240 mg/dl is considered borderline. A level higher than 240 is considered high risk. To evaluate the risk and levels of cholesterol a blood test called Lipoprotein profile (Lipid Profile) is prescribed. This test measures Very Low Density Lipoprotein (VLDL), HDL, LDL and triglycerides. Total cholesterol is the sum of HDL, LDL and VLDL. HDL the good cholesterol is broken down in the liver and reprocessed. LDL or the bad cholesterol tends to build up along the inner walls of the arteries and over time causes narrowing of these blood vessels, increasing the risk of a heart attack.

It may be a good idea, even if you do not have high blood cholesterol to include in your diet some or all 7 of the following foods. In addition include some exercise; even simply walking can keep safe from a heart problem.

1. Coriander helps lower levels of total cholesterol and is a hypoglycemic thus it can help manage diabetes. A simple recipe for making a tea out of coriander is: Add two teaspoons full (3 to 5 grams) of coriander powder in a cup of water. Boil the mix and strain. Add sugar or salt to taste. Drinking this over a period of time will lower cholesterol.

2. Red onions can be used in many ways. Juice a red onion. Add one teaspoonful of onion juice and a little honey to water and drink it. Alternately add chopped onions to buttermilk add salt and pepper to taste and drink it daily. Even including raw onions in some form in your diet is a good idea.

3. Garlic: Include garlic in your cooking. If you don’t like the taste, like me, simply swallow cloves of garlic with water. Do not chew raw garlic; it is bad for the teeth enamel.

4. Indian Gooseberry (Amla) promotes the reduction of lipid concentration in blood serum. The fruit is also antihyperlipidemic, anti-atherogenic, and hypolipidemic. Drink a teaspoonful of dried gooseberries powder mixed in a cup of water, on an empty stomach. Or drink the juice of gooseberries, tomatoes and beet roots.

5. Apple cider vinegar can be used to lower cholesterol. Apple cider vinegar also helps high blood pressure, acid reflux, upper respiratory infections, gout, and more. Drink one to two teaspoon of Apple cider vinegar two to three times a day, mixed with water or fruit juice of your choice.

6. Orange juice is rich in vitamin C, folate, and flavonoids. Drink at least two glasses of freshly squeezed Orange juice every day. Orange juice can increase HDL the good cholesterol. Having a high HDL level is good and protects against other heart issues.

7. Coconut oil contains lauric acid which helps increase HDL. Use coconut oil in your cooking or in your salad dressing. One to two teaspoons full of coconut oil may be taken with a glass of water. It also helps many respiratory problems.

In addition to these foods there are excellent food supplements available in Ayurveda which help control high LDL and increase HDL levels in the body. Gugglu is manufactured by most ayurvedic medicine manufacturers and is available over the counter in capsule and tablet form. This is an excellent remedy for controlling high levels of cholesterol. Abana is a combination manufactured by Himalaya Herbal Healthcare. Abana not only controls cholesterol but also lowers blood pressure. However, do consult your physician before starting any medication.


Shilajit is also called silajit, salajeet, asphaltum, momia, shargai, mumijo and moomiyo. Found only in parts of Central Asia, it is a sticky tar-like substance, color ranging from white to dark brown. Depending on color Shilajit has varying chemical composition. In general it is rich in nutrients like B vitamins, amino acids, fulvic acids, essential oils, hymatomelanic acid, ionic minerals and many more micro-nutrients. A similar substance is also found in the Caucasus Mountains. In the United States, supplement companies are selling Shilajit as an ingredient in testosterone boosting supplements. It has four main properties: Anti-inflammatory, Adaptogenic, Anabolic and General Tonic. An ancient Ayurvedic text, called the Charaka Samhita, states that there is no curable disease in the universe, which is not effectively cured by shilajit. Dabur Shilajit capsules are available in India at the following link as on October 3, 2014:

Shilajit has been used in traditional Indian medicine as an anti-inflammatory agent and athletes from Russia have been using it to speed up their recovery and reduce muscle soreness. It has excellent adaptogenic properties. Adaptogenics are substances found in nature which reduce fatigue and prevent physical and psychological stress. Shilajit helps increase levels of testosterone. Higher levels of testosterone when combined with proper training aids muscle mass. Studies have shown that subjects who took Shilajit showed faster lean muscle mass growth. As a general remedy or tonic, Shilajit helps a wide range of health issues. The issues may range from fighting common colds to curing cancer. Considering it has over 85 micronutrients and we all suffer from micronutrient deficiencies which in turn results in speeding up disease processes in the body, it is easy to understand how shilajit helps such a large number of health issues.

Shilajit is processed and packaged in capsule and tablet form in India by Dabur and Divya Ayurveda and is available Over the Counter on Amazon. Divya Shilajit tablets are available in the US at the following link as on October 3, 2014:

Shilajit is also spelt “shilajeet” and is a Sanskrit word which means “rock-invincible”. Mumijo is a word of Greek origin which also refers to shilajit. The substance is mentioned in the works of Aristotle and Avicenna as a remedy with antiseptic and general stimulant properties used in Caucasus Mountains. Scientists believe that people observed wounded animals frequenting caves with mumijo and so discovered the substance. Similar substances are used for medicinal purposes throughout Tibet.

It is still not clear whether shilajit has a geological or biological origin as it has numerous traces of vitamins and amino acids. A shilajit-like substance was found in Antarctica which contained glycerol derivatives and was also believed to have medicinal properties.

Based on current studies, the bioactivity of shilajit lacks substantial evidence. The immuno-modulatory activity does not stand the test of critical assessment and is considered as unproven.

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Chronic Constipation Treatment at Home

Constipation is one of the most common problems of modern day living and is a consequence of improper dietary habits and lack of physical activity. Chronic constipation can lead to more serious issues and can trigger many disease processes. When the waste stays in the body for long, not only does fecal matter become hard but toxins enter the blood stream. It is difficult to pass out the hard matter and measures have to be taken to loosen his hardened material and expel it from the body. For a healthy person who is getting reasonable exercise it is sufficient to have an early dinner, drink lots of fluids and get enough sleep to avoid constipation.

The main reasons that cause constipation are improper diet, lack of fiber rich diet, inadequate water intake, overuse of tea and coffee, repeated use of laxatives, lack of exercise, stress and frequent travel. Constipation may be caused by some medical conditions and medication. Often forcibly retaining stool may also cause constipation. So what is the way out when we really have no control on some of the things that cause this common “disease”.

If you have mild symptoms it is sufficient to increase water intake, eat right and sleep well. However if the issue is more serious you may need to take medication, which in my opinion is not a very good option or make yoga a part of your life. Eating right, increasing fluid intake and proper sleep is still important. In fact Yoga is more of a lifestyle than just an exercise routine. If you are already on laxatives, it may be a good idea to start Yoga, see the response and most likely you will be able to give up any medication you are taking for constipation. In case your intake of fiber is low and it is the primary reason of constipation you can take “Isubgol”. “Isubgol” is combined into various formulations by many Ayurvedic medicine manufacturers, like Dabur and is available worldwide. However, in my experience the best is husk of Isubgol available in India and is manufactured by The Sidhpur Sat-Isubgol Factory under the brand “Telephone”. Isubgol is Psyllium Husk. The correct dose of Psyllium is 8 to 10 grams per day. If you have a question about Isubgol you can message me at

Most people generally have mild symptoms or simple discomfort. However, anyone who is dealing with even mild constipation can have headache, lowered energy levels, pain in the abdomen and dryness of the anus. Constipation of long standing can lead to piles.  Mild symptoms cannot be attributed to digestive system abnormality or systemic disease. Nauli Kriya and Kapal Bhati are good exercises for curing constipation even of the chronic kind.

Here is a video which shows you how to do Nauli Kriya, which is one of the exercises of Shatha Kriya and takes a little time and lots of commitment to learn. It is not only a good exercise for chronic constipation, but can effectively treat many other health issues.

Here is a Video which shows you how to do Kapal Bhati. Kapal Bhati is a relatively easy exercise and is a great remedy for constipation and many other health issues.


Monday, 29 September 2014

How to treat depression and anxiety at home with Kapal Bhati

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Kapal Bhati (often spelt Kapalbhati) a word of Sanskrit origin stands for cleansing breath. It is a power breathing technique that can help manage blues, stress, anxiety, negativity and depression. I always feel a dramatic change after a five or ten minute session of Kapalbhati. It is an ancient Yogic exercise used for centuries for mind detoxification. In fact it is the only technique used for mind purification among all yogic exercises. The results are astonishing.

Modern scientists suggest laughing for health, laughter being the best medicine. In fact laughter and Kapal Bhati work in similar fashion. The effect is an increased supply of oxygen in the blood and balanced bio-chemicals including changes in hormone levels. Seems unbelievable? Yes…

Kapalbhati is a remarkable de-stressing tool. It helps clear the mind of all negative emotions. If literally translated from Sanskrit the word “Kapal” means the skull and “Bhati” means shining. Thus “Kapalbhati” stands for a head that is sparkling clean and devoid of all toxins. 

Who should avoid doing Kapalbhati?
Anyone suffering from hernia, severe heart issues, obstructed nasal passage, abdominal ulcers and some other issues which are beyond the scope of this post should avoid Kapalbhati. It is never to be done by women during pregnancy and menstruation. It is advisable to consult a Yoga exert before starting anything as powerful as Kapalbhati.

How to do Kapal Bhati
It is a simple exercise but for full benefits it should be practiced properly. It is traditionally done sitting cross-legged with the spine erect. If you find sitting cross-legged difficult, do it sitting in a chair but never standing up. Once you sit down the hands are placed on the knees in Gyan mudra with palms facing up. For Gyan Mudra simply make a circle with your index finger and the thumb, tips touching. It is good to start with two to three minutes of simple deep breathing with eyes closed and concentrating on every breath. Then to begin Kapal Bhati, simply breath in, with the mouth closed quickly forcing the air out through the nostrils producing a puffing sound. Repeat this about 50 to 60 times a minute, but shoot for exactly 60 times. Continue for 4 to 5 minutes. Rest a while, and do it again for 4 to 5 minutes. Initially one round should be enough. As you increase the number of rounds you could add simple deep breathing during the rest period between rounds. Make sure not to overdo it and if you have any discomfort, stop, don’t push yourself. If you have abdominal pain the next day stop until the pain goes away.

A gentler option could be to start with just 10 to 15 strokes in the beginning. Increase it by one stroke a day till you reach 60 strokes. Then gradually increase to about 5 minutes or 300 strokes. Continue at that level for some time before further increasing the number of rounds. How much you do and how you increase, would depend on your fitness, physical condition and body type. When I started I did 10 minutes the first day and increased it to 5 rounds of 5 minutes in one week, without any discomfort. However, I have seen people in my class who need to be very careful and increase very gradually. Listen to your body.

Now understand this. When you breathe normally it is around 10 to 12 times a minute of shallow breathing. During Kapalbhati you breathe 5 to 6 times more every minute drawing in more oxygen every time. Simple math tells us that 10 minutes of Kapalbhati is worth about one hour of breathing, not accounting for two to three times more air drawn in every time. Air called “Prana” in Sanskrit, is the most essential element for the human body to function. It is believed in Yoga and Ayurveda that by increasing the supply of “Prana” to the body you can cure many diseased. Many of our modern day diseases are in fact, one way or another related to less physical work and in turn reduced oxygen supply to every cells.

It is easy to see how Kapal Bhati works at the physical level. However, it is difficult to give a scientific explanation of how it works on the mind, but it does. It is a great distressing exercise as all forms of physical activity are, but the good news about Kapal Bhati is that if someone is really blue and doesn’t feel like going out it can be started in the bedroom itself. For best results it is advisable to do it in the morning and in the open. A word of caution, always do it at least 5 hours after a meal or a snack. With Kapal Bhati you can expect all the benefits of any aerobic workout, only more.

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Sunday, 28 September 2014

What is Acupressure?

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Acupressure is a system that has its origins in China and is thousands of years old. Acupressure points are the same as Acupuncture points. Both systems of “quasi” medicine promote relaxation and wellness and treat disease and ease general discomfort. These systems are best for chronic and undiagnosed problems where only some general symptoms are known and the disease process as understood by modern medicine has not yet set in. Acupressure is done by activating points with pressure and reduction whereas Acupuncture is done using needles and inserting them in the skin to activate these same points. Activating a point stands for rechanneling energies and stagnant blood flow of the point and the related part of the body.  Let us see how Acupressure works.

What Is the Theory Behind Acupressure?
Acupressure is part of a group of Asian bodywork therapies (ABTs) and has its roots in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Acupressure is grouped with other Asian Bodywork Therapies like Acupuncture, Medical Qigong and Tuina. The Japanese form of Acupressure is known as Shiatsu.

According to Traditional Chinese medical theory special acupoints, pressure points, or acupressure points, lie along meridians, or channels, in the human body. These are the same points as those targeted with Acupuncture. The belief is that qi (chi) or vital energy flows along these meridians and can be manipulated by working the points along these meridians. There are 12 meridians according to the Chinese System of Medicine. These meridians connect specific organs and network of organs, enabling a system of communication throughout the body. The meridians begin at the fingertips, connect to the brain, and then connect to an organ or organs associated with the meridian. Whenever any of these meridians is blocked or out of balance, illness occurs or the disease process begins. Acupressure and acupuncture are among the types of TCM that are thought to help restore balance.

How Does Acupressure Work?
In Acupressure, practitioners use their fingers, feet, elbows, palms or special tools to apply pressure to activate or manipulate the points to restore health and relaxation. Massage forms an integral part of Acupressure therapy.

A typical session of Acupressure lasts about one hour. You lie fully clothed on a soft massage table and the practitioner works on the points as required. You may require several sessions for results to show. There may be debate on how Acupressure works, but everyone, including western medical professionals agrees that it works.

The objective of all Asian Bodywork Therapies is to regulate yin and yang (negative and positive forces). These are opposing forces along the channels of energy which need to be in balance for health. Effects of Acupressure are not limited to the physical sphere of our bodies but it treats the mind, emotions and spirit in addition to balancing energy fields. It is also believed that the therapist can transmit vital energy (qi or chi) to the patient.

Western scientists believe that Acupressure does not work based on the meridian theory or that these meridians even exist. The results of Acupressure are attributed to improved circulation, reduced muscle tension, or stimulation of endorphins, which are natural pain relievers.

There are hundreds of Acupressure points all over the body and those in the hands and wrist can be seen in these three videos.

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Saturday, 27 September 2014

Acuressure Techniques

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What is acupressure?
Acupressure also spelt acupressure, is a technique related to acupuncture; the points activated in both cases are the same. In acupressure body energies are manipulated by activating specific points. These points are called “acupressure points”, “acupoints”, “pressure points” and are the same as “acupuncture points”. These points are activated to manipulate human psychic energy, emotion and physical energies.

Acupressure: Pressing and reducing techniques
Acupressure points are manipulated in two ways. The first commonly used technique is pressing as shown in the video. However, not commonly used or known second technique is reducing. Usually something blunt is used to press the points. A convenient way is to simply use fingers to press or activate the points. It would take more pressure and longer to activate the points with the thumb or fingers. So a good option would be to use an eraser on the back of a pencil. Some points can be pressed using fingernails.

Pressing and releasing a point just a few times can have a distinguishable effect. There are two ways in which points may be activated. Pressing the point and releasing about once per second or pressing a point and keeping it pressed for 30 to 120 seconds. How long you press or how many times would depend on the condition and the point being activated. Whether pressing or reducing the maximum you do in a sitting is not more than 2 minutes.

To reduce a point, you need to put pressure and then turn the finger over the point in a counter-clockwise direction. The duration remains the same one to two minutes. The difference between pressing and reducing is that when pressing, the point is energized, however when reducing the blockages and blood stagnation around the point is “reduced”, hence the name reducing. I’ll go in detail about pressing and reducing in one of my upcoming posts.

It is a good idea not to make it a habit of activating the same points every day. Manipulate them as and when required and paying attention to the effect they have on you physically and emotionally. If you are weakened by age or disease activate the points more often. It is a balance you will need to find with an expert.

If you do not feel any effect from activating a point, it could be several things. You are not pressing the exact right spot and around. You may be pressing too lightly. You may be pressing for not as long as required. To know if a point is working or not it is best to feel your energy and emotions through the day. If there is a change for the better, it is working. Many points have an effect on the quality of vision also. If you are overdoing a point or if you don’t need it there will be little effect.

Acupressure points are sometimes also activated for prolonged periods of time using tiny balls like ball-bearing balls and adhesive tape. One may also use little seeds like cherry pits to activate a point, which is sometimes done overnight. Acupressure may be used along with medication or may be started for little nagging problems, if you want to avoid medication.

Here are links for 2 more videos on acupressure:

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Nauli Kriya - Abdominal Massage for strength

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The technique of abdominal massage as part of Hatha Yoga Shatkriya is known as Nauli or Nauli Kriya. Nauli kriya has a lot of benefits if practiced regularly. Sathkriya or Sathkarma in Hath Yoga stands for the six purification methods, Nauli is one of them. Any regular Nauli practitioner will be able to maintain good health and virility. However, it takes time and patience to learn Nauli Kriya, but once you get the hang of it, it becomes the easiest and best exercise you can do for health and the only one for your internal organs. It took me a little less than one year to learn Nauli Kriya, but some people can learn it faster. It all depends on your fitness and commitment.

There is no other way to massage the internal organs of the abdomen. Nauli Kriya is the only exercise which massages the stomach, urinary bladder, liver, gall bladder, spleen, pancreas and the intestines to maintain these organs functioning well, and is a great boost for energy levels.

The key to being able to do the Nauli Kriya is isolating the various muscles of the abdomen. The muscles are found on either side of the abdomen, running vertically and parallel all the way from the lower ribs at the top to the pubic region at the bottom.

Before you can do the full Nauli Kriya, you need to learn to isolate the muscles to the left, known as Vama Nauli. Then you need to isolate the abdomen muscles to the right, known as Dakshina Nauli. And finally you need to work the muscles of the left and right while leaving the abdomen relaxed at the center. This is called Madhya Nauli. When you have learnt to isolate the muscles to the left, right and center, you now combine the three and do the stomach rotation known as the Nauli Kriya. 

The best time to do Nauli Kriya is after fasting for at least 8 hours. Morning is the best time on an empty stomach and clear bowels. You may drink liquid half an hour before the practice and water 10 minutes before. Do not eat or drink anything after doing Nauli Kriya for at least half an hour. It can be done standing or sitting down, Most people prefer to do it standing because it is easier. My video here above shows you how to do Nauli Kriya sitting down. I am explaining below how to do Nauli standing up. You will see that in both positions the important thing is to be able to isolate the Dakdhina and Vama (left and right) muscles. Do it whichever way you prefer, the benefit is the same.
How to perform Vama Nauli  
1. Stand with feet apart, knees bent and hands on the thighs.
2. Take a deep breath and then force the breath out with a hissing sound.
3. Contract the belly inwards and upwards (towards the sternum). This is called Uddiyana Bandha. This is the base position for performing Nauli kriya.
4. Now try to pull the abdomen to the left forming a cavity on the right.
5. Release. Stand up. Breathe a few times naturally and repeat.
How to perform Dakshina Nauli
See the steps in Vama Nauli only pull your muscles to the right forming a cavity to the left.
How to do Madhya Nauli 
1. Stand with feet apart, knees bent and hands on the thighs.
2. Take a deep breath and then force the breath out with a hissing sound.
3. Contract the belly inwards and upwards (towards the sternum). This is called Uddiyana Bandha. This is the base position for performing Nauli kriya.
4. Hold the breath and try to isolate the Dakdhina and Vama (left and right) muscles and force them towards the center. There is no breathing involved. The breath is stopped with the air taken out of the lungs (also called Bahya Kumbhaka in Yoga).
5. Now breathe in and release the position. Come to a fully standing position. Take a few deep natural breaths before trying again.
6. Repeat
7. Once you are able to move the abdomen to the left and right try to contract the left and right muscles and leave the center lose to form the classic Nauli shape.
8. There are no further written instructions I can give you. Just keep trying until you get it and watch the video.

Once you have mastered the Dakshina, Vama and Madhya Nauli, you are ready to do the full Nauli Kriya. You should do this rotating clockwise and counter clockwise, both ways an equal number of times.

Recap of benefits of Nauli Kriya
1. Practice of Nauli massages all the internal organs in the abdomen and keeps them healthy.
2. Nauli relieves constipation.
3. Nauli strengthens the functioning of the sexual organs

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